There is one universe and we are in it.
There is one spirit and we are all a part of
The universe in composed of vibrating
particles of energy and empty space. The
more slowly the particles vibrate the more
solid they appear to be.
There is only one kind of energy. (yang)
We experience it as moving (yang) or still
What we experience as the material world is
matter coming into being, matter being, and
matter going out of being.
As individual entities we exist in a “soup
of vibrating particles.” We each emanate our
own individual vibration, plus we are
constantly affected by the emanations of
other entities. |
is no way, the way is made by walking.
willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life's mission, and balance past, present and future in the
now. Shape shift that old reality and become your future
self. Stagnation is over! New beginnings have taken root. |
human being is a part of the whole, called by us
'Universe,' a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his
thoughts and feelings as something separated from the
rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
to our personal desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free
ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole
of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this
completely, but the striving for such achievement is in
itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for
inner security." -- Albert Einstein |
There are two
basic questions that each person must resolve for themselves:
One is: Does
the universe have meaning?
and the other is: Is the universe friendly?
Whatever your answers are to these two questions, these are
the basic assumptions from which you are operating in the world.
Most religions are based on the assumption that the universe has
meaning, and that humans have some role in the unfoldment of
that meaning. Science does not look for meaning.
Life without meaning is a closed system. People do better
with a sense of purpose. There is something to live for,
some reason to be.
all religions promote the idea of the universe being
friendly. Some place more emphasis on eternal
torment. How I respond to events and people in my life is
largely a result of thinking that the universe is on my side.
I was reading a book
about UFO's (Lure
of the
Edge by Brenda Denzler) and in it she was
discussing the way scientist's view the way that human beings think:
described the ways in which the human cognitive processes
are biased toward misperceiving random events as having
discernable patterns, toward organizing events into cause
and effect schemes, and toward seeing further events as
confirming patterns and schemes that have already been
mentally constructed, all of which leads most people to see
what they want to see." |
I am
quite of the opposite mind of these researchers who feel that
finding patterns is a mis-perception of reality.
Finding those patterns is part of the creative process. We
are beings who love to find meanings in everything that happens.
Our meanings are more real to us than the events themselves.
We use meaning to
bring order to what appears as an endless stream of randomly
occurring events. We organize events into "cause and effect"
the most exciting idea I know about? 
has to do with thoughts creating reality.
People have been saying that thoughts create
reality for a long time. When I really started to investigate this
topic, I found I had a lot of new questions to answer:
What is the nature of the reality
that my thoughts create?
How do my thoughts create reality? If my thoughts create
reality when do I stop creating misery and start creating joy?
How do I go about affecting it?
was Ira Progoff in his book At A Journal Workshop who
originally gave me the idea of mapping the subconscious
mind. Having lived to that point with most of my attention
placed on the outer world, I was surprised to find my
"inner landscape" full of pictures and
imaginings. Allowing my self to wander through these inner
landscapes for years, and explore them via art and journaling, Shamanic
journeys, regressions, and meditations, I have collected a body
of works, writings and images that speak to me. This
exploration is my personal journey, but it may encourage you to
begin or continue your own.
The Top 10 Ways To Surrender To The Flow
1. Get that there IS a flow and that it's bigger than you are.
2. When facing a problem, seek to solve it immediately, taking the path of least resistance.
3. Get that you don't know what you don't know, but that the flow does. Trust.
4. Get that the physical universe never lies. If something is "off," so are you.
5. Seek to understand your environment and it's affects on you, even more than seeking to understand yourself.
6. Get that your body often knows more than you mind or heart does. Listen to your body if you're not sure what to do.
7. Get that there is an ebb and flow; sometimes it's wise to do nothing.
8. Get that the flow changes and you'll need to adapt with it.
9. Get that you affect the flow around you, even though the flow around you is bigger than you.
10. Get that you want to BECOME the flow, not just be carried along BY the flow.
Thomas J. Leonard
Copyright 2000 by Thomas J. Leonard.
"Somatic symptoms express the soul's painful wounds and obstructions. The rational mind is incapable of deciding what is best for the soul. The mind can discover what is needed only by listening to and reflecting upon the subtle movement of the soul as it expresses itself in bodily sensations, feelings, emotions, images, ideas, and dreams." - Robert M. Stein,